Conclusion of the Nonno’s Quest and Combat System

Many small fixes in quests and dialogues, but especially the completion of the quest which is the first quest that involves “Nonno” and his sword, but also other new characters to discover, with lot of citations. The video shows the end of the Nonno’s Quest, the Combat System and part of the monsters, not to create a video too long I stopped even if the rarest monsters are never sprung up, sooner or later I’ll make a video cutting only the interesting pieces, for now I done this in speed. The quest ends with a choice, it will greatly complicate the game allowing multiple choices will vary slightly the story, even if it means a lot more work, but I think it’s more interesting to create two different points of view.

The Combat System is still in the early stages, maybe I have to improve the odds to encounter the rare enemies and to have multiple enemies, while I think I’m pretty satisfied with the difficulty of the meetings, considering that for most of the game you will have a single character and not a party. The weapons have a basic framework of cost/power, but may be revised, spells are totally non-existent or provisional, classes are not yet implemented so the character now has only provisional kinds of attack, but now you can play.